Arastta 1.4 version released

Today, we are pleased to announce release of Arastta 1.4 stable version. As always, Arastta's new version came with great new features, improvements and of course bug fixes.

Our main purpose with Arastta is to make easy creating an eCommerce store as much as possible and this release comes amazing features such as Drag & Drop list ordering, Enhanced Image Manager, Customer Search reporting, Multiple File Upload and a lot more.

So let's see what's new in Arastta 1.4 version:

As always, your current Arastta store has been automatically updated to 1.4 version, unless you've selected to not.


Sit tight, we’re creating your store!

Step 1/2 - Creating your account

Single Sign-in

You can sign in with the same email and password for Arastta websites: